ProductsX-Ray Inspection › SideChek / SideChek Plus
SideChek / SideChek Plus
SmartCheck Plus x-ray Systems
Mettler Toledo Safeline


The SideChek range of single beam x-ray systems are designed to meet the high speed and high coverage needs of the food processing and packaging industries.

Dedicated x-ray systems for a wide range of container sizes
Depending on the largest container size that will run on a production line either the 300 or 400 model of the SideChek x-ray system range can be selected. The x-ray beam geometry is fixed on these two models and any container that fits inside the fixed beam angle can be inspected.

One x-ray system for a wide range of containers
For production lines that process a wide variety of container sizes, Mettler-Toledo Safeline has developed SideChek x-ray system with an optional Adjustable Focal Distance (AFD). This means a wide range of different size containers can be optimally inspected on the same production line - one machine covers all.

Features & Benefits

Features Description Benefits
Contamination detection Detection of contaminants such as glass, metal, stone and high-density plastic Ensuring product safety
Multiple inspection routines Contamination detection and simultaneously cap detection, fill level check, damaged pack check Ensure product integrity
Adaptive filtering The container profile filters dynamically change for every container Optimum detection and minimum false rejects
Auto variable scan speed The x-ray scan speed matches the production line speed, one to one image ratio Uptime is maximized and positive rejection is never compromised
Low power x-ray tank No water cooling is required Very low cost of ownership
Hygienic design IP65 as standard and IP69K is available as an option for harsh wash down environments Easy access to all machine areas with no hidden bug traps, ensuring minimum downtime
Optional Adjustable Focal Distance (AFD) x-ray beam A sliding tank and telescopic collimator allows x-ray beam size adjustment Optimum detection for each and every container size

All X-ray Systems

Packaged Products
Glass Containers
Canned Foods
Unpackaged Products
Bulk Products

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