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Mettler Toledo Safeline
Eagle X-Ray
X-Ray Inspection

Advanced x-ray inspection machines for the food industry providing superior contaminant detection. Machines utilize PXT™, the most advanced x-ray technology in the food inspection industry, to detect contaminants and foreign bodies at multiple insertion points in your food production line. Discover how Eagle x-ray systems can help you to streamline your production process, prevent product recalls and improve your food quality assurance programs.

Eagle PI offers a comprehensive line of industrial x-ray imaging systems that use advanced technology and innovative design to deliver incredible performance at a low total cost of ownership.

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Hygienic Construction and Sanitary Design
X-12 X-ray Inspection

The Eagle RMI3/M x-ray system is a hygienically constructed multi-application system that provides superior contaminant detection for high volume bulk meat inspection.

MAXIMIZER RMI X-ray Inspection

Eagle’s MAXIMIZER RMI is designed to handle a variety of raw poultry products to detect and reject chicken product contaminated with bone, metal or other foreign objects. The chicken bone x-ray detection system is designed for easy cleaning in harsh washdown environments for fresh or frozen poultry where daily sanitization of equipment is mandatory.

Eagle Pack 240 HC X-ray Inspection

Pack 240 HC
The Eagle product Pack 240 HC is a compact high performance x-ray machine for the food industry designed for easy cleaning in harsh washdown environments for fresh refrigerated or frozen packaged meat, poultry, dairy and other food applications where daily sanitization of equipment is mandatory.

Eagle Pack 400 X-ray Inspection

Pack 400 HC
A top-notch x-ray inspection system designed to ensure product safety and quality in meat, poultry, seafood, and dairy product

Pack 400 HC 3-A Dairy X-ray Inspection

Pack 400 HC 3-A Dairy
A top-notch x-ray inspection system designed to ensure product safety and quality in meat, poultry, seafood, and dairy products

Eagle Pipeline X-Ray Inspection

Pipeline X-Ray Inspection
The design of Eagle’s x-ray pipeline inspection systems promotes consistent product flow and delivers optimal food contaminant detection by using active product tracking, while reducing the amount of product rejected.

Eagle RMI3/C

The Eagle RMI3/C x-ray system is designed specifically for product inspection of closed cartons or open crates of raw beef, pork, chicken, lamb or similar products.

Eagle RMI 400

RMI 400
The Eagle Product Inspection RMI 400 x-ray machine delivers superior bone and contaminant detection. It is designed to NAMI standards, specifically for the meat, poultry and seafood industries where daily sanitation and hygiene requirements are stringent.

Eagle RMI 540

RMI 540
The Eagle PI RMI 540 x-ray inspection system is hygienically constructed to sanitary design for superior bone and contaminant detection in the poultry industry, where daily sanitation and hygiene requirements are stringent.

Pipeline X-Ray Inspection
Eagle Pipeline

Pipeline X-Ray Inspection
The design of Eagle’s x-ray pipeline inspection systems promotes consistent product flow and delivers optimal food contaminant detection by using active product tracking, while reducing the amount of product rejected.

Unpackaged Products, Bulk Flow
Eagle Bulk 415 PRO

Bulk 415 PRO
The Eagle Bulk 415 PRO x-ray machine maximizes contaminant removal while cutting product waste and reducing downtime to boost line efficiency for dry bulk product applications such as nuts, grains, granola, sugar, cereals, coffee and other high-volume bulk products

Eagle Bulk 540 PRO

Bulk 540 PRO
The Eagle Bulk 540 PRO x-ray machine is designed to address the unique handling and inspection requirements posed by bulk flowing food products such as fruits, vegetables, pet food, seafood, granola and other cereals.

Packaged Inspection
Eagle Pack 240 PRO

Pack 240 Pro
Designed with advanced inspection technologies made powerfully for high-speed flow-wrap lines, blister packs and small packaged products.

Eagle Pack 320 PRO

Pack 320 PRO
Designed for x-ray inspection of high-speed flow-wrap lines and small to mid-sized packaged products.

Eagle Pack 430 PRO

Pack 430 PRO
Designed for x-ray inspection of mid-sized packaged products and multilane applications in the Food, Pet Food, Pharmaceutical and Personal Care industries

Eagle Pack 550 PRO

Pack 550 PRO
X-ray detection equipment designed for inspection of food products packaged in large bags, pouches, cartons, thermoform trays and multipack containers.

Eagle Pack 720 PRO

Pack 720 PRO
Designed for x-ray inspection of large packaged products in boxes or cases and multilane applications in the Food, Pet Food, Pharmaceutical and Personal Care industries

Eagle Pack 1000 PRO

Pack 1000 PRO
Designed for x-ray inspection of large boxes or cases of multiple, individually-wrapped products in the Food, Pet Food, Pharmaceutical and Personal Care industries.

Rigid Containers
Eagle QuadView

Designed for x-ray inspection of jars and bottles and ideal for glass-in-glass contaminant detection.

Eagle Tall PRO X

Tall PRO X
Designed for x-ray inspection of jars and bottles and ideal for glass-in-glass contaminant detection.

Eagle Tall PRO XS

Designed for x-ray inspection of cans, jars and bottles and ideal for manufacturers with limited line space.

Eagle Tall PRO XSDV

Designed for the inspection of high-speed can, jar, bottle and composite lines as well as other upright container formats and is ideal for customers with limited line space.

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