ProductsEagle X-Ray › RMI 400
RMI 400
RMI 400

The Eagle Product Inspection RMI 400 x-ray machine delivers superior bone and contaminant detection. It is designed to NAMI standards, specifically for the meat, poultry and seafood industries where daily sanitation and hygiene requirements are stringent.

The RMI 400 is hygienically constructed to sanitary design and overcomes the material handling challenges of inspecting raw or unpackaged poultry, seafood and other meats. This Eagle x-ray machine incorporates an innovative inclined infeed and out-feed conveyor which reduces the number of surfaces product comes into contact with. By eliminating the need for radiation shielding curtains, and with its easy-to-remove belt, sanitation time is reduced for faster and more efficient washdown‒keeping production lines running longer for optimum output. And with Eagle’s PXT™ detector technology, it is capable of detecting bone fragments down to 1 mm in poultry.

Processors can benefit from  Unparalleled detection, Lower false rejects, Lowest total cost of ownership, and Easy one-time calibration

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