Products CT Cartoners › HC-3200 Horizontal Servo driven Cartoner
HC-3200 Horizontal Servo driven Cartoner
HC-3200 Horizontal Servo driven Cartoner
Mettler Toledo Safeline


HC-3200 is a high quality automatic cartoner that erects, closes, glues cartons and inserts productinto cartons.Theautomaticloadingoftheproductisaccomplishedwithanautomatic servodriven inserterer. The number of insertion stations depends on the speed an carton size. The cartoner is constructed of stainless steel and anodized aluminium with the pharmaceutical and food industries intended as target customers. This machine is designed to be adaptable to a wide range of product and speed. The HC-3200 relies on mechanical synchronization of the various moving components that perform the process of erecting and closing a carton to reduce setuptime. Electronicsetupparametersaresavedandrecalledintheformofboxrecipesusing the HMI (Human Machine Interface). The use of the PLC and HMI enables the cartoner to accept a wide range of optional equipment such as coders, labellers, barcode readers and conveyors reducing control system complexity, increasing reliability and performance while concentrating control functions to the touch screen.

Touchscreen interface for setup and diagnostics · No product-no carton feed · No carton-no insertion · No insertion-product reject · No carton-no glue application · Consecutive no carton detection · Carton Prebreak Module · Sensor failure obstruction detection · Product jam detection Carton jam detection · Position control of pneumatics and glue · Continuous combined operations Gluesystemmonitoring· Fullsafetyinterlocks

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